Month: July

JdR Audio 408

“You can’t come into you, consciousness, without getting past you, awareness.”




This conversation reveals how the new brain awakens and the future self becomes present, but it’s only purity of heart that engages the quantum mechanics of transformation.

A life-changing wake-up call reveals the possibility of becoming aware of our deep interconnectedness, and the great responsibility we have to each other.

JdR Audio 400

“If you were to give multi-levelled power of attorney within to your awakening, there would be landslide change.”

“You don’t need to fix your self …” John responds to the pain this person is feeling about her experience of lost innocence and love, and invites her into the goodness, deeper within.

Continuous environmental noise has this person feeling distressed and longing for silence. John shows her how to let go of the fight and enter the intimacy that lies beneath.




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