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Month: January

Two questions: one about the vanishing aim of enlightenment, the other about the effects of being on a computer all day. John’s answer applies equally to both, and it all has to do with enjoying being, within.

JdR Audio 402

“The Calling moves by presence and not by power. There is no use of power that can stop it. Every resistance and every response feeds it. It’s how the truth moves.”

Contrary to worldly conditioning, weakness isn’t something to conceal or avoid; it’s actually key to embodying a full spectrum of awareness. John describes the journey, and what it requires.

Beyond being ready and willing to change, what does it take to go to ‘bedrock’ within and build a new foundation from which to live?

“Growth is painful.” John is referring to the inevitability of difficulty, pain or suffering as awareness evolves, and why its evolution is the greatest opportunity of this life.

Fully responding to new awakenings can bring disturbance, pressure, and unexpected sadness. John explains why this is so, the goodness of what’s happening, and how the past is healed.

JdR Audio 398

“The deeper levels of your body are either still or flourishing. For the deeper levels of your body to flourish is for you to live in awakening.”

JdR Audio 397

“Belief is super multi-leveled multi-faceted multi-streamed. You’re not knowing any of that at first, until you begin to believe knowing. That brings knowing into what belief is. And you begin to work as awareness, your movement as belief.”

Q: Yesterday I heard you say that being alive in this body is the biggest opportunity to grow in awareness. I’d like to know what would be helpful for me in growing in awareness. John: By you letting your evolution as awareness matter more…

Having been raised in a male environment, this person longs for more of the feminine qualities he’s now coming to know. As he speaks with John, it becomes clear that a shift in his relating is all that’s required.


Q: I feel so coarse in my self. It barely reflects anything of what’s in my heart and it’s like trying to drive with the emergency brakes on. John: The essence of containment is that you have need of nothing. That frees you to…

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