Month: February

A young man would like to be free of the conditioning and judgments he knows are present in his sexuality and asks for help. John explains in practical terms how sexuality can be returned to the heart, freeing judgments held in the body and bringing balance and healing.

What is true love? Do we meet our loved ones again after we die? In this talk John explains what love really is, what happens after death and how we reconcile our lives, our selves and our relationships with our eternal nature.

The Questioner is asking about something called a touchstone that is used to find what is gold and what is not gold. and something called the philosopher’s stone that turns base metal into gold. Which one is real?

Is it possible to move past the sudden loss of a loved one? Can we be free of the fear that it may bring up about the inevitability of our own death? The answer to both questions, is yes.

This is a question about sex and intimacy. The questioner feels she resists intimacy and doesn’t understand why, when love-making is full of sweetness, she still seems to avoid it. John shows her how to look for what she trusts. Where there is trust, love moves.








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