Month: April

“Nothing that appears to be comes from what appears to be.” This conversation travels deep into the unseen, revealing the shifts required to know the source of the light, within.




This conversation zooms in on the micro-movements of awareness in form, and how it can choose between the addictive power of illusion or the healing power of oneness.

Q: My question is about the evolution of the species in this material world and how this is connected to your teaching. What is next? John: The evolution of the species isn’t next. You’re next: your shift of orientation as awareness, from within the…

The terms of this man’s new relationship feel frustrating and unacceptable to him. Why is it so painful and what can he do? There’s only one way, and John explains.

Being a ‘love team’ sounds so good! But what does it take to be in such profound harmony with another, and how would it change both you and your relationship?

Q: A long time ago when we spoke about my mind and thoughts, you invited me to be like a flower with my mind. I still feel that what I am and my mind are not coordinated. John: You are the flower. Let the…

What is the purpose of the will? Is anger ever justified? Multiple participants engage in this illuminating dialogue about personal will and the potential for true being that exists in no longer needing to have ‘your way’.

Q: There has been a lot of loss in my life the last three years. My heart wants to open but I’m feeling intensely a lot of grief and often fear. Is it just feeling it or trying to make it better? John: You’ve…

The thoughts and feelings generated in a busy daily life easily eclipse what’s deeply known within the heart. What needs to change for that deep connection to be sustained in the midst of life?

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