Location: Winter Seminar





Relationship can be the grand revealer of all the ways we create separation and struggle. John points out some of the traps, and reveals where real togetherness lies.

“You know what it is to be intelligent; do you know what it is to be a being?” Step by step, John shows how to explore our being, filling what is known intellectually with its extraordinary qualities.

A question about the deep, within, becomes a portal to the awakening of a much greater self than the one we’re used to.

“It’s a to-die-for opportunity.” John explains the value of relating directly to the subtle movement of deeper levels coming together, just beneath a strangely lifeless experience in the self.

JdR Audio 402

“The Calling moves by presence and not by power. There is no use of power that can stop it. Every resistance and every response feeds it. It’s how the truth moves.”

Contrary to worldly conditioning, weakness isn’t something to conceal or avoid; it’s actually key to embodying a full spectrum of awareness. John describes the journey, and what it requires.

Presence and humanness: these two words are opening new depths of vulnerability and aliveness, but how can it be sustained in life, and why was it covered up?

JdR Audio 398

“The deeper levels of your body are either still or flourishing. For the deeper levels of your body to flourish is for you to live in awakening.”

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