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Location: Vienna

Q: There is in me some will to live the truth, but I also want to be someone. I know they don’t go together, so can you tell me how to stop being this someone and give more space to the truth? John: Then…

How could our relationship to food possibly reveal how we relate to people? This man has lived alone for many years and wants to know how to truly merge with another. Through the analogy of eating, John explains.

Q: John, looking at you I feel deeply touched by your purity, silence and love. Thank you for being so available. You’ve spoken about taking care of what we know. Would you say more about it? John: What would you be saying more about…

The experience of losing her wallet invites this questioner to explore her relationship with money. In his reply to her, John uncovers the real purpose of money, true self-esteem, innocence and creativity. The exchange of money is to be an exchange of beingness, giving and receiving. Then money becomes a warm flow instead of being cold hard cash.

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