Location: USA

Q: I feel stuck in my patterns. They just keep coming back and back. John: Your patterns will move because of the energy that’s stored in them. It doesn’t matter what patterns you have. All that matters is that despite anything at all that…
Q: I love this. I love the quiet. I love the deep. I feel sad that in my life I’ve looked so many places, gone to so many schools and never been told what I’m feeling here. My whole life I’ve been very focused…
Q: What is in the way of shifting all at once to being what we really are? John: Nothing. Believe only what you most deeply, directly know the truth of in your heart and there’s nothing in the way. Without that, your false beliefs…
Q: I lived on a mountain, which I loved, and they’ve put in microwave towers. I’ve had heart attacks and strokes. I’ve been in hospital with all those symptoms and met the pain and shock running through my brain. I’ve been in this wonderful…
Q: I want to ask about technology in our world and finding one’s self. When I’m using computers or my phone it takes me away from being able to listen to my interior. I get distracted and addicted to doing things I don’t care…

How is the heart that John speaks about different from the place in us that gets entangled in relationships and drama? Their conversation reveals the heart as much more than this, and we discover its role in the formation of our light body.

Q: Since my baby was conceived I’ve seen how grounded my self is in certain beliefs. I’ve moved into what opening and softening really is in connection to the baby, and it’s something very different. What does it truly mean to be a mother…
Q: Thank you for coming to New York. Would you speak about responding to goodness? John: You love it when you do and you miss it when you don’t. When you respond to it, it hurts so good. When you’re not responding to goodness,…
Q: You speak of the evolution of the soul and the opportunity of this life, and I want my soul to evolve if that’s why we’re here. Can you, first, remind me of the connection between the soul and the being?  John: Both are…

Depression and its paralyzing effect can seem insurmountable. John reaches into its darkness revealing its roots in our beliefs and, with practical examples, shows how we can be and sustain our own healing.

How can I live in what I know of beingness, and the busy-ness of daily life? John’s response takes the questioner to see what he will know on his deathbed, when what matters most will be clear and can be lived for, now.

What is love? How do we find it? Do we really need it? In this dialogue the questioner asks John to explain his statement “love is not an experience, love is what you are.” In response, John expands on the different kinds of love and how to go beyond the surface and discover a deep and subtle, unconditioned love not based on experience or need.

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