Location: Moen

Q: I had a call from my 21-year-old daughter who left home a year ago, telling me she needed to talk to me and she’s in a lot of pain. I could feel it in myself; it seems we’re in some kind of symbiosis…
Q: We talked many years ago. Although I don’t remember my question to you, I know that tears streamed down my face most of the time and the essence of what you said really resonated with me. Now, many more years have gone by,…

Is there such a thing as life purpose, and do we have unique gifts to bring? John answers fundamental questions on what real destiny is and how it can change as we live.

Q1: I work as a speech therapist with children. When I hear you speak, it reminds me of the importance in psychological theory for children to grow up with soft hearts, good relationships and protection in order to develop their potential. Can you say…
Q: All my life I’ve had this problem with having a job. It always ends up with me getting very stressed and depressed and in the end I quit. I can’t figure out what the problem is because I would just love to find work…

A question about resistance opens up the power of conclusions we’ve drawn that we didn’t know the truth of, and how they keep us separate from what we really are. John describes their subconscious life as resistance, and how that can change.

Q: A few years ago I decided not to see my father anymore. Sometimes I feel it’s not okay to say “no” to your father, but it has also given me huge peace. I’m scared of getting caught in this father/daughter story again when…
Q: I feel levels of depth in me. My question is: what is your definition of soul? John: Remove all of your forms, the seen forms of your self, and there is awareness: you. Remove all of the other forms of your self, all…
Q: We’ve been talking a lot about fear, and you said it’s about separation inside. All my life I’ve felt separated from my self, that I should fit in and couldn’t be my self. I feared others, feared that I was not good enough…

This woman is touched by John sharing what sexuality is really for and wants to know what it means to be a woman. John shares the subtle differences between man and woman, and shows her how to invite and move in her sexuality anew – this time aligned to the delicacies of its deeper mystery.

This woman feels the responsibility of bringing a child into this world and wants to know how to raise a child without doing harm. The best parenting is not what we may have thought. Here’s what a child really needs from its mother.

John guides a young man in his awakening experience, helping him to see the truth in what he’s knowing, realizing that as alien as the experience is to his habitual self, that he was not born for anything else.

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