Location: Denmark

Q: What is the difference between feeling and emotion? There’s thinking and feeling and willing … why emotion? John: Emotion is more complex than feeling. Feeling is direct and simple. Emotion is combined with ideas. There’s a thought formation that makes emotion what it…
Q: Last night you were speaking about newborn babies, which I found very inspiring. I’ve looked into the eyes of a newborn and recognize that I have that state. The start of life for a newborn is very important, so what is best? Is…
Q: My question is about speech because I feel it carries a lot of responsibility. I find what you say both clear and impeccable – a source of inspiration. Words can carry so much wisdom and love but they can also hurt. I sometimes…
Q: Does our genetic conditioning strongly influence our life and behaviour? Can you say more about it? John: Where you’re not in your heart, absolutely. Where you are unconditionally in your heart, at any personal expense, no. Q: Is openness of heart easier or…
Q: I had a call from my 21-year-old daughter who left home a year ago, telling me she needed to talk to me and she’s in a lot of pain. I could feel it in myself; it seems we’re in some kind of symbiosis…
Q: We talked many years ago. Although I don’t remember my question to you, I know that tears streamed down my face most of the time and the essence of what you said really resonated with me. Now, many more years have gone by,…
Q: Could you say something about growing out of negative family patterns and family grief? John: Warmly, don’t need them anymore. You can’t grow out of anything that serves you. The negative family patterns don’t hold you as you experience that they do. You…

Is there such a thing as life purpose, and do we have unique gifts to bring? John answers fundamental questions on what real destiny is and how it can change as we live.

Q1: I work as a speech therapist with children. When I hear you speak, it reminds me of the importance in psychological theory for children to grow up with soft hearts, good relationships and protection in order to develop their potential. Can you say…
Q: All my life I’ve had this problem with having a job. It always ends up with me getting very stressed and depressed and in the end I quit. I can’t figure out what the problem is because I would just love to find work…

A question about resistance opens up the power of conclusions we’ve drawn that we didn’t know the truth of, and how they keep us separate from what we really are. John describes their subconscious life as resistance, and how that can change.

Q: I’ve been following all the world events, and I’m looking for some guidance on how to be with the chaos and violence. How is a good way for me – for all of us – to meet what is happening? John: From your…

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