Location: Australia

A talk about integrating male energy, hormones, desire, and the way beyond boyhood into real sexual maturity.

Q: You’ve recently spoken about what being woman is and I’ve been wondering whether it’s really the same to be a man.   John: At the very base of it, yes. When awareness integrates consciousness, it doesn’t just enter into being both man and…

Speaking to a woman about her bi-polar disorder, John describes how relating exclusively to what is unshakeable within her is the key to not only weathering the storms of her condition, but to her evolution as awareness.

How did I get to feel so trapped in my self when I know there’s more to me? John describes the way to our deeper self, past practised methods of coping and ideas of self-esteem – all the way in to the real, unshakable you.

Q: I have a burning question about a relationship with a man I’ve been with for some time. I dread being with him, basically. I shut down, and I don’t know if that signifies an ending. When I’m away from him I have space…
Q: Sometimes in my connection with you I hit a wall inside. There’s a sense of something bad in me and I wonder about it. When I was eighteen I had an abortion. I was four months pregnant. After the event, I completely cut off…
Q: For some time now I’ve experienced strong bipolar episodes. I don’t want to be a victim and I do accept responsibility, but their impact is so intense and they throw me so far from my self, I feel that I don’t have my…
Quote: As great as the distractions are in having a body, so great are your opportunities. Q: I was wondering if you could tell us what happens to us when this body leaves this earth plane? John: What are you being on this earth…

Despite her awakenings, this questioner feels lonely and tired on her spiritual path and asks for help to find greater connection with the people around her. John explains how to do that, by completely being what you know in your heart.

Many of us love responding to and being in our hearts; and yet we find it challenging to sustain a love filled heart in in your daily life, in the midst of circumstances, in the midst of feelings and emotions in our selves. In this dialogue, John speaks of and explains how to sweep the self out of the heart, develop a deeper and a higher self, and live in love and empathy instead of fear.

Q: Hi. Since I spoke with you in India, it seems it’s easier to access and respond to what I know deep down in my heart, which I love, but at the same time it seems that everything is different. I can’t pinpoint exactly…
Q: John, I wanted to thank you for your response to my question last time you were here; it’s helped me a lot. What I wanted to ask today was for some help. I find that I have a lot of fear and a…

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