A Stellar Opportunity

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When: July 7, 2011
Afternoon Meeting
Where: ,

Grandfather: Hello, John. I’m glad to sit here again together with you and beside my grandson, and it is a special feeling. I see that I am at the end of my life and on one hand there is a tender, deep-going sadness, and on the other side there is this feeling that death could come when it will and I can go. When I am in this consciousness, there is no age. I could be three years old, twenty years old, eighty years old, and there is only this being.

Grandson: Lately I’ve thought a lot about letting go of this rope of control. Do I need a knife to cut it or do I need a sword? Or just let go of it? After a while I just grab on again.

John: Give your heart to what you know-within isn’t the rope. You know there’s more. Believe what you’re knowing.

Grandson: Do I need to prepare for the fall?

John: There is no fall just as there is no rope. The rope is real to you because your life is in your self. Your self is just one level of yours. The most important levels of your self are those that are deeper than comfort and familiarity.

Grandson: So when I let go of the rope, I’m in the other levels?

John: Believing the truth within has nothing to do with the rope, nothing to do with the level of your self. Your heart will belong to what seems so little, but what you know is worth the most. You don’t yet have a self that consists of everything deeper. Your self so far is oriented around comfort and discomfort, satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Your self has been trained by your experience on the surface. In your self you’re held to the surface of life even though you belong to the deeper of life. What takes you into the deeper is you believing what you're most deeply knowing. You don’t belong to your experience of your self and your life; you belong to your deepest knowing.

Grandson: Why?

John: Your self is a result; your self is the result of you coming from everything that precedes it. You need to live by the levels preceding and producing your self. That trains your self according to what you are. The rope exists because you have have given it your heart. Realize your deeper levels by giving your heart to what you know is deeper. When your heart is given to what you are knowing the truth of, then what you really are becomes real. It comes into your experience and it comes into your self. And what you really are will change your self. Your self will match the deeper instead of your capacity as awareness being blinded by the habit of your self.

You’ve been swept away in your self and right now you are pausing. You are in your heart, examining something so unlike what has swept you away. If you respond to what you're seeing, the course of your self and your life will be different.

Grandson: I’m pretty sure about that.

John: In your heart you’re able to make the shift. You’re able to accomplish a fundamental change in what you belong to. Until now, you have lived satisfying your self. Now in your heart you are coming into real knowledge. You’re awakening to the reality that, instead of living to satisfy your self, you are able to satisfy what you are knowing in your heart.

When you come to the end of your life, everything that you have gained for your self will pass away. You will strongly experience what you are knowing now. If you build your self and your life from what you are knowing now, it will all be different, and at the end of your life, what you built will remain. If you build on what precedes this life you are securing meaning. What you then develop in this life cycle survives the cycle.

Grandson: In my soul?

John: Are you knowing something in what you're hearing? What you know in this is what deserves all of your self and your life. On that foundation, you are truly building. Nothing can take that away from you, not even death. What comes with this life, for you, is a stellar opportunity to realize what you are, to be what you first are, and to bring all of it into manifestation. Don’t confine a stellar opportunity to the little world that you have experienced as your self so far…

…It’s lovely to see the two of you together.

Grandson: It’s a gift that I can sit here with my grandfather.

Grandfather: Thank you very much.

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John de Ruiter TRANSCRIPTS

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