“You so deeply know and you so deeply know not what. There, it matters for you to walk in what you don't know. In your walk, you be what you do know, you walk in what you do know, and you also be in what you don't know. That walk together is what makes the whole. That's a walk of oneness.”
* Interactive Online Meeting
- Seeing unconscious levels of you: the effect of that is that you are deeply drawn
- The subconscious touches into what you've been before, so it brings up familiarity
- Unconscious knowledge vibrating into you awareness: it doesn't give you anything
- If you don't conclude, the coverings of your subconscious and unconscious self will be cleaned away
- Creating closure for your self shields you from the unconscious vibrational levels of you
- Pauses in your self that come when a core belief is being offended: none of the pauses are real