Year: 2017

Q: I feel such openness in every cell of my body. Why am I not falling like a drop into the ocean? John: Because the drop has investments not in the ocean. The drop has things that matter to it that are not in…
Q: How can I take on new responsibilities and at the same time be okay with what’s around me? John: On the inside, by you always being about building something. As easy as it is for you to break something on the inside or…
Q: I want to ask about technology in our world and finding one’s self. When I’m using computers or my phone it takes me away from being able to listen to my interior. I get distracted and addicted to doing things I don’t care…
Q: Some months ago I made a really brave decision and ever since then I’ve felt happy and really powerful. My heart is open most of the time. I feel love and can help a lot of people, but then there is a huge…
Q: You speak of the evolution of the soul and the opportunity of this life, and I want my soul to evolve if that’s why we’re here. Can you, first, remind me of the connection between the soul and the being?  John: Both are…
Q: We’ve been talking about the importance of life goals. I think my life needs to be the way I like it with my goals fulfilled. That’s the life I think will make me happy. John: Are those people around you who have fulfilled…

How is it possible to be truly free of anxiety and the fear of death? A mother speaks with John of her fears, particularly the loss of her children and loved ones, and receives an answer that can bring an end to her fears forever.

We often feel our heart opening when we say yes to someone. But is it possible to say no and still be open? John describes how to make every interaction like putting gold into someone’s pocket, whether your response to them is yes or no.

In response to the sharing of a profound experience by the man in this dialogue, John explains the connection between the Calling, our energy centres and the manifestation of oneness in this life.

Q: My father has a mental health condition that’s rapidly getting worse. He’s so sweet and vulnerable in it. When I told him I was coming to this seminar he said “say a prayer for me.” I don’t know what to do for him,…

This young woman knows she could deepen her connection with her unborn baby but doesn’t know how. John shows her the real language of parenting she can learn from her baby in the quiet of her heart. It not only opens the connection she longs for but will teach her what really matters in her own life, and in parenting her baby once born.

Q: Sexuality has been a challenge for me my whole life. You have spoken about the fire of sexuality. I know a little of that, but for many years it hasn’t felt like that at all. I’ve experienced reduced potency and this has created…

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