Year: 2015

Q: Does lovemaking always address the base and the sexual chakra, or are others also addressed? John: Yes – all of them. For real lovemaking you need all your chakras. If your crown isn’t opening what are you making love for that has to…

Does the presence of tears mean that you’re being emotional? No, says John, and he goes on to explain what emotions are for and what to look for when we’re deeply touched.

Q: You’ve spoken about the self being undone when an energy centre opens. I often feel almost as if a bulldozer has driven through, but mostly I feel it in my face and it feels a different shape. What’s happening there? John: Until you…

There’s just one thing that can be of any help in a polarized world, and it matters more than any of our words and intentions. John explains why.

Q: You were talking just now about relating to polarity, the protection from the subconscious, and the contents of the subconscious. Quite frequently, either when I’m dropping off to sleep or at random times during the day, I either drop into something dark, or…

In this dialogue a questioner asks John about how to heal depression. Recorded at ABC Carpet & Home in New York.

A fundamental topic: the healing effect of no longer relating by positive or negative emotion instead of the connectivity of beingness.

Q: What is this sense of energetic transmission that I feel? A month ago I read your little book The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting Your Being In This World and I felt this immense peace and energetic transmission. John: You are linking up through…

John describes the gift in the death of a loved one, how to access the depth of the bond, and how to enter a relationship to our own death that brings life-changing perspective.

Q: I notice in my intimate, sexual relationships that I can be in a moment of openness, comfort and radiance, and then if I’m spoken to in a way that feels aggressive, unkind or mean I’m very quick to close my heart and my…

“Am I addicted?” A comment from a spiritual teacher has sent this person in search of the answer. John speaks in depth about how to be what we first are, whatever our addictions may be.

A conversation full of the beauty, simplicity and freedom of being what you really are in all circumstances.

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