Year: 2014

The experience of chaos may follow heart-understanding of what we know and are born for. John explains how to be beautifully undaunted.

JdR Audio 238

Openness and softness of heart is the cosmic plug in, both to your own being and for the actual opportunity that you are in a body for.

JdR Audio 237

Things are not as they appear to be. Everything is really only as you know it to be, regardless of appearances.”

JdR Audio 236

The more clean you are in awakening to your own being, the more you’ll be able to move your own being toward others. Your evolution as awareness is in the purity of that, it’s in the cleanness.

A beautiful teaching on the unconditional nature of love, and how it’s hardness that looks for harm.

Q: I really loved what you said about love, before being a person or being a mother. John: You’re better off being in and coming from deeper womanness, just clearly, than being a mother or a wife. Your deeper womanness offers a lot more…
Q1: Do I need pressure all the time to stay in my heart? John: No, when you’re in your heart and you come under pressure that brings out the depth of your being in your heart. If it doesn’t bring out the depth, then…

JdR Audio 235

Prerequisite to you being a being is you, in your heart, being the same as what your being is like, with that being the touchstone in your self and in your life. Everything is in the preparation.

Q1: I recently listened to a CD in which you were saying that sexuality goes as deep as the being goes and much, much deeper than I’ve understood it to go. John: That’s good. There’s room for awakening. Q1: Is sexuality a way to…

“Be safe for those who don’t like you.” A short and extraordinary teaching on safety and trust.

John speaks of the power of being in response to what we most deeply know. “Love, and you fulfill it. Think about it and you fulfill your relationship with thought.”

JdR Audio 234

“Response to knowing is what opens you. Whatever that means, wherever that goes, you’re in.”

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