Year: 2012

Q1: It’s about getting to know the working of the deeper engine inside, and I can see how it’s able to come up and fill my heart and sometimes it reaches my speech. I wanted to ask, I think it’s four years ago that I…
Q1: I lost a lot of weight a few years back. I was just at that level where I was feeling really good about my body, my self esteem, and then I got scared. Vulnerability came to mind. It had a lot to do with…
Q1: I’ve just moved in with two new people. We’re setting up a new house and so we’ve got new relationships to establish and I was thinking the same applies here … staying on a cutting edge without slipping. John: As you’re coming together,…
Q1: I find I’m not a joyous person. What is joy? On cinema night, I walked in here and I felt just pure joy, happiness to be in that moment. Is that right? John: That needs to come in. It has to come in….
Q1: For years I’ve been working with something you said: ”Believe with all of your heart what you know.” At first it didn’t make sense to me that one wouldn’t believe what one knew but the more I looked at it, I realized that…

Video Interview with John de Ruiter by Rabia, at the Neve Shalom – Wahat Al Sallam ( of Peace) Retreat Center in Israel.

“As awareness you don’t need the watcher, the witness, the observer. As awareness you need only to be at one with everything, within, that is deeper than what your self is, and all of that needs to be able to have all of your self. Then in your living, instead of being upside down you’re right-side up: a beautiful being with whatever kind of self; a beautiful being that now has the self you used to be, and it’s going to turn it into a self of change. With every movement, change comes.”

JdR Audio 167

“In this, as soon as you know, you move. As soon as you move, you have. In this, there is no law of restriction. In this there is no impediment. Nothing slows, restricts or forbids. There is just movement, pure.”

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