Year: 2001

Q: I feel so happy! There’s a child growing inside of me. Can you speak about becoming a mother, a good mother, and being this as much as possible? Thank you. John: Instead of you being mother, which you don’t really know how to…

John responds to a woman who has begun to fear her sexuality when it comes up around others, knowing that her way of controlling it isn’t true.

Q: I’ve been seeing how control and tightness exist in the core of what I was born into. There’s now so much more space for real living than I chose before, and this tightness also affects my relationship with money. Can you speak about that,…

After great experiences of inner surrender, awakening and peace, why is it that distracting thoughts and emotions return? John reveals the way from a divided heart to one rooted in knowing and how that gives rise to nurturing thought and feeling.

From seed to fruit, by way of uncompromising willingness and devotion, John describes the journey of transformation travelled as we’re given again and again to growing the tree of love, within.

Q: I want to talk about something I’ve been dealing with my whole life. It’s the body I’m living in – my body. Deep inside there’s such a wish to live in freedom with it, but I can’t let some things go. I’m so…

How do we create separation? This dialogue shows us where our shadows lie, and how all the little annoyances we feel toward others can instead become reflectors of love, returning us to the grace we truly are.

A talk about integrating male energy, hormones, desire, and the way beyond boyhood into real sexual maturity.

Q: We’d like to get married soon. Can you speak to us about marriage?  John: Marriage is like a soup bone.  Q: Is like a what? John: A soup bone. When you’re completely still in it and not making it about your self, you…
Q: You’ve recently spoken about what being woman is and I’ve been wondering whether it’s really the same to be a man.   John: At the very base of it, yes. When awareness integrates consciousness, it doesn’t just enter into being both man and…

In this dialogue, John gives a rare description of the potential of true relationship between man and woman: a nest for the complete integration of masculine and feminine energies, where oneness can flow in love and grace.

Is it truly possible to have a pure heart? John describes purity of heart as the finest jewel anywhere, surpassing even awakening and enlightenment. In this dialogue John takes us from the very first step toward such a heart all the way to its embodiment.

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