Year: 2000

Is it okay to be acutely sensitive to the pain of others? As we awaken, do we continue to feel this much pain? John describes the difference between a clean piercing of the heart, and sensitivity that’s really about our own issues and stories.

Q: I have a close friend who’s very ill with multiple sclerosis. We were talking together today and wondering how it’s possible to trust totally; to accept and be grateful when you’re hoping to heal from a terminal disease, and are afraid of dying….
Q: My daughter is seventeen years old and I’m wondering what I can do for the best to heal the ways she may have been hurt by us whilst growing up. How can we parents become truly one with our children for everyone’s sake?…
Q: I have difficulty with difficulty! I seem to perceive life as difficult, with everything becoming a mission to be overcome, successfully. I keep thinking I’m doing things wrong and it prevents me from really enjoying life. John: Any time that you have a…

How is it possible to accept violence when it seems so unnatural and wrong? In this talk, we get to see our role in its existence, and the way back to the tenderness of our true nature.

This dialogue explores the topic of mind: what is subtle mind? Universal mind? What about our patterned mind, and what transforms it? John reveals the role of innocence and unconditional openness in having a mind free of patterns – an intimate, living, subtle mind.

Q: I don’t see where personal love – the love from one person to another – fits with the love which just is. Are they related, or is personal love between two people more based on wants, needs and desires? It seems to me…
Q: What is real love? John: It is the most wonderful, life-giving and healing energy in the universe. It cannot comprehend frustration. It cannot be bothered or bugged. It cannot be frustrated, because love is not frustration. It cannot be provoked to be anything…
Q: I have this question about innocence. All those things that we do to our selves and to other people … do they leave marks? Do they go away? John: Never. Did you see the movie ‘The Gladiator’? What he said is true: that…

This young woman speaks the uncertainty of many in today’s spiritual marketplace. She wants to give her heart away to truth, but experience has revealed that many teachers are untrustworthy. John reveals the differences between a teacher of truth and one completely mastered by truth; to listen to all but to give her heart only to what she genuinely knows.

Q: I feel so much pain in my heart. Can you speak of how to experience forgiveness? John: By never, ever being hard on your self again.   Q: How do you do that? John: By never judging yourself based on anything that you’ve…

This is a question about sex and intimacy. The questioner feels she resists intimacy and doesn’t understand why, when love-making is full of sweetness, she still seems to avoid it. John shows her how to look for what she trusts. Where there is trust, love moves.

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