Quote: You are alive to give space in your heart for the tiniest little sparkle of love to get a little bit bigger.
Q1: What happens when we die?
John: When you die, every moment in your life where you’ve known a touch of magicalness within that you’ve not understood – that made no sense to you from anything outside of your self, but the touch of it was magical and completely nurturing – all of those touches come together and you’ll be all of those touches, all put together … and way, way more of the same. Everything else is gone, which also means that there’s nothing of greater value in you and in your life than what you know within any of those moments. It’s worth holding those moments – the magicalness of them – and how much that moment is really you. It’s worth holding that in your heart, and letting it roll around in your heart while you live.
In that way, you’re already beginning to turn into what you’ll be after you’ve died.
Q2: I often don’t know how to interact and be with people in a real way. Can you help?
John: The simplest is by you sweetly not knowing how, while you’re with people. That lets what is real in you come up and have presence in your face. There, you may not have understanding. You may not have ability. You will have real presence.
Q3: Why are we alive?
John: You are alive for you to be what is most delicately alive in you. You are alive to give space in your heart for the tiniest little sparkle of love to get a little bit bigger. As long as it is always getting a little bit bigger, you are really living.
Q4: What’s it like to have an awakening?
John: It’s a little like having a dream where you can fly, or having a dream where you can breathe underwater, and where you deeply love what you’re in. It’s so clear and strong that when you wake up you’re surprised that it was only a dream.
When you awaken, that means that something you’ve never known before opens up inside of you and is so real. You know something that is so real it changes everything else that you can see.
Q5: I was wondering why we see certain people in our dreams.
John: That can be because of what that person represents to you in your psyche – within all the makeup of what’s inside of you. When you’re in a dream and that make-up stirs, then in your dream you’ll experience what is like that person. That doesn’t mean that it is that person – and it could also be that person. Each time something like that happens, instead of believing what you think about it, that it is just a part of your self, or that it really is that person, believe none of it and just be really quiet within.
Each time you have such a dream where you know someone in your dream, keep doing the same thing and slowly you may start to recognize a difference. It’s like a different sense, and after a period of time you may realize that there’s a different sense that leans into it being different from something in your self. Over that whole period of time, don’t put anything together. It’s easy to make something up. Just be quiet in the difference each time until you know that you’re realizing something, and when you realize, hold that very lightly and let it grow on its own.
Q6: I’ve been trying to remember my dreams and I’ve been having a lot of trouble doing that. Can you help me?
John: When you wake up and you know you’ve been dreaming, go back to sleep … but without reaching that tipping point of falling to sleep. Get close to that tipping point and while you get close to it, be in that space within where you know that you were dreaming. Be in that space of knowing. Sit in that space while you get close to sleep. Being in that space puts you into the substance of the dream that you were in so you’ll then first remember its substance. Stay in that substance and you may come into some of the form of that substance.