Q: I’d like to know why I don’t have a flow in my finance, home and work.
John: For you that isn’t going to come easily. For some, with a little added awareness, there’s a lot of result; for you it would require much awareness to have some result. You would experience that and perceive that as a disadvantage.
It is a disadvantage to your self in your person from a worldly perspective, but it isn’t a disadvantage to you. Your acceptance of the experience of that lack enables you not to be a victim of it, not a victim of comparison, enabling you to take responsibility for it. It’s part of the package that you’ve come into this world with, and it is a package that works well in addressing what you need to be focusing on.
Your heartful address of this has you expiring immediate resources, finding out what doesn’t work, directing you to much deeper resources: ultimately the awakening of what you are as awareness. For you to be taking full responsibility in having such a package, you’ll be needing to move past your self, no longer using the experience of your self as a standard for you. If you’re not using your own self as a standard, as a place from which to relate, then you have what is deeper than that: your own being, within which there is no lack, no deficiency, and even deeper than that — what you are as meaning knowing, having a balanced being and a self and a person within your life not in balance.
The imbalance in your experience directs you to your self until you begin to realize that the answer to your self doesn’t come from your self; it comes from your own being, with that being rooted in what you are as meaning, meaning knowing. When you come into realization of anything deeper within than what your self is, having the kind of self you have, the kind of person you have, is a wondrous help to you. Lack directs you to your own beingness and to what you are as meaning to heal the self and the person that you have that is in your care.
For you to see all of this from within what is deeper than your self is exciting and nectarful. It brings you to being plugged in, within, and no longer plugged in to lack and deficiency, no longer plugged in to comparison. You are no longer your experience of your self. That makes you more than what your self is. You’re able to answer your self. You’re able to answer your person.
For you to be seeing this is a privilege. You need to no longer burden your self in judging your self from the perspective of the experience of your self. You are able to be the life-feed to your self and to your person by no longer coming from your self and your person, by coming from what is deeper than that. In this you’re awakening to, you are not like your self and you’re not like your person. You don’t have the lack and the deficiency that your self and your person have. You are their healing. Remain awakened to the privilege and you will be their healing.
Listen to John de Ruiter Audio Podcast 29 – You Are the Healer of Your Self and Your Person or visit John de Ruiter on iTunes