How Can I Realize My Vision Of A New Economy?

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When: November 22, 2015
Evening Meeting

Q: I have a vision of a new economy. How can I bring it into reality?

John: What is your vision of a changed economy?

Q: It’s to do with fairness in wealth and ecology, not just working for money and profit. It’s about people working together for a higher aim, introducing a new quality of working together.

John: You can change your relationship with the economy, how you move and how your company moves with the economy.

Q: That means introducing new methods of working together, partners staying in connection in the vision and not concentrating only on the outer economy.

John: That will change your part and it will change any one else’s part who works with you, but to change the economy involves much more than that.  

You need to estimate what power you have, or you won’t have the means to carry out the vision. You might not have the power to carry out the vision. The greater the vision, the more levels of power you need because you’ll be going against the norm of how this world functions. To do that, you would need to understand your power and what levels of power you have.

Q: It’s the very beginning – a seed in the ground. I will not get the fruit of the seeds I will plant, but maybe the seeds will come up from the earth and others will work with them.  

John: If you’re not sure of all of the levels that are required to carry out the vision as you move forward with your vision, the vision will spend you; it will use you up and you won’t fulfill the vision.

The bigger the vision, the more levels you need, within. If your vision is to plant a seed, it won’t require much, but planting a seed isn’t going to change the economy.  You can have a great vision, but then you also need accessible to you great power and levels. The vision needs to suit what’s available to you.

Realize all of the levels available to you, but not in view of your vision. If you hold the vision in view, you might be overlooking some of your levels. If you open into all of the levels available to you – levels of you – you also might not have that vision anymore. As you open up into all of the levels available to you, that will change your seeing and consequently your thinking and your feeling.  

Instead of being loyal to the vision, be loyal to all of the levels available to you. In that you are cleanly opening and wherever that may take you, you’ll see.


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