Topic: Relationship






Q: Hi, John. This is the first time I’ve met you. I had a very short relationship about one and a half years ago and it’s still very painful. I can’t understand why I can’t let it go. How can I feel that love,…

This woman feels that she and her partner are no longer really together in the deeper purpose of relationship but hoping that might change. What is the value of commitment, and will marriage help? This is a talk about what relationship is for, and what’s required from both if they are to build together.


Q: I’ve been in relationship for almost twenty years, and in all these years of living next to each other we don’t have togetherness; we can’t connect and communicate. It’s as if we speak different languages. Something in me says this part of my…
Q: We’d like to get married soon. Can you speak to us about marriage?  John: Marriage is like a soup bone.  Q: Is like a what? John: A soup bone. When you’re completely still in it and not making it about your self, you…

Questioning his own honesty in his relationship with his wife, the man in this dialogue asks how he can love her ‘rightly’, wondering if pain is a necessary part of the equation.

Q: I’m so grateful to have met you in Rishikesh. I felt some healing had happened when I stopped my practice of self-enquiry, but now I feel as if my self has come back stronger than before! John: It’s not stronger; you just didn’t…

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