Topic: Pain & Suffering



Is it okay to be acutely sensitive to the pain of others? As we awaken, do we continue to feel this much pain? John describes the difference between a clean piercing of the heart, and sensitivity that’s really about our own issues and stories.



Q: When I was very young, I got lost on a crowded beach and was separated from my family. I remember feeling very frightened, alone and disconnected from other people. I realize that ever since that time I’ve continued to feel that way: frightened,…




Q: I lived on a mountain, which I loved, and they’ve put in microwave towers. I’ve had heart attacks and strokes. I’ve been in hospital with all those symptoms and met the pain and shock running through my brain. I’ve been in this wonderful…


Q: I’m very happy to meet you and amazed to be able to connect with you like this. My question is about relationships. I would like to know more about what happens in a couple and especially after a break-up. I broke up with…

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