Topic: Introductory

The woman in this dialogue feels a powerful connection to her womb, as if it’s the key to somewhere much deeper than her heart. John reveals the meaning of this profound resonance and the extraordinary knowledge she’s touching into.

“What am I looking for?” This questioner has been enjoying some rest from his search for liberation, but feels a familiar dissatisfaction beginning again. John’s answer reveals how the search can end once and for all.





After great experiences of inner surrender, awakening and peace, why is it that distracting thoughts and emotions return? John reveals the way from a divided heart to one rooted in knowing and how that gives rise to nurturing thought and feeling.


Why should we treat others with fairness and kindness when they don’t treat us that way? John reveals how the surrendering of our sense of entitlement to love is a necessary desert that must be crossed before the embodiment of what we really are can be lived. 


An underlying need for approval undermines this young man’s confidence, particularly when it comes to women he is attracted to. John reveals the source of this experience and shows him the way to an authentic, relaxed way of being in any circumstance.


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