John de Ruiter Podcast 517

John de Ruiter Podcast 517

What is the Source of the Light, Within?

When: April 6, 2019 @ 7:00pm
“Nothing that appears to be comes from what appears to be.” This conversation travels deep into the unseen, revealing the shifts required to know the source of the light, within.
“The source of your light within is you, but is a level of you that is absolutely incomprehensible to the level of you that you’re aware of in the light.”
  • What is the Source of the Light, Within? 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

What is the Source of the Light, Within?

Q: I want to ask you about light, the physical light and the unseen light. Can you explain the difference, the source of light?

John: In the source of light there is no light. If you are attached to the light, within, you’ll not be able to realize its source. The source of your light, within, is you, but is a level of you that is absolutely incomprehensible to the level of you that you’re aware of in the light. You, awareness, in light, cannot comprehend you that this light comes from.

Within the levels of being are levels of light. For you to realize the source of light, you would have to be a level of you that precedes anything to do with your being. Any presence of being, any movement of being is the light. So movement of being and presence of being cannot comprehend or discover the source of light. It can only be it. It can only be the light. To discover the source of light, within, you would have to awaken to what it is for you to be spirit, and there’s no movement of being or presence of being that can introduce you or awaken you to spirit. The two are not of the same.

As you shift from your self to your being, the difference is so fundamental that you cannot, as your self, enter your being. It’s a shift of awareness that enables you to have mobility from within your self to move in your being, and how to move as a being in your self. It’s also a shift of awareness, but a fundamental shift where awareness turns into something completely different. For you to know your source of light … being spirit without any presence or movement of being.

Q: So the sun is not a source of light in the physical world.

John: Nothing that appears to be comes from what appears to be. Nothing. That includes light, the sun. It includes you.

Q: There is a movement in the source of light?

John: Yes, but it isn’t a movement of being.

Q: What is the meaning of light?

John: There are levels to that. There’s a physical meaning to light. There’s a sub-physical meaning to light. There are quantum relationships in light. There are levels of being in light. There are levels of spirit, levels of meaning exclusive to spirit, sustaining all of it. And there is what is before that.

Q: You take us there. And there is a sense of vitality, life.

John: A very different kind. It is an everlasting level of life. It is the life of life of life.

Q: Thank you.

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