John de Ruiter Podcast 536

John de Ruiter Podcast 536

The Wondrous Complexity of a Simple Fact

When: March 14, 2004 @ 2:00pm
An unusual question and an even more unusual answer, revealing the wondrous complexity of a simple fact to the scientist of love.
“Facts are little bits of reality to which the deep in them has no end.”
  • The Wondrous Complexity of a Simple Fact 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

The Wondrous Complexity of a Simple Fact

Q: My question is around the relationship between knowledge and what constitutes knowledge, and fact and awareness. I’m used to a definition of fact, whereby it’s testable in a material sense. I’m wondering if you could please tell me what a fact is, a spiritual sense, and what constitutes knowledge.

John: Knowledge comes from being able to know and understand the value of perceiving a fact. All facts are subject to the level of awareness that you exist as being. The higher the level of awareness that you are, the more that facts will be profound to you. Instead of a fact being an object, it will be the deep through which you’re able to know more. Facts are little bits of reality to which the deep in them has no end. The higher your level of awareness, the more that you’ll begin to see the subtleties within a fact. Then a simple fact becomes wondrously complex.

You begin to know that a single, simple fact is endlessly full of more, more to know in it. A single fact then becomes a body of beingness: no longer something that is just observable to your mind, but something that you know has a being, and to the depth that you’re able to move as a being, to the same depth you’ll have understanding of a fact. You’ll have real knowledge of a fact, such knowledge that is profoundly nurturing. A single fact then becomes an exploratorium for intelligent and finer beingness.

Facts then open up. They reveal of their depths to the scientist of love, to the being that gives form to love, to the being that comes to understand a fact not just through the observation of the mind but by you as a being giving love intelligence, and within that, holding a fact, giving it your intelligent care.

Then a fact reveals itself to you. The deep in it becomes known to you to the extent that you have realized what you are as a being and embodied it.

Q: So, ultimately we become just the facts?

John: No, you embody the beingness of the facts.


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