John de Ruiter Podcast 471

John de Ruiter Podcast 471

The Most Important Turning Point of Your Life

When: January 2, 2015 @ 7:15pm
A demanding job that includes problem-solving and decision-making … and a new touch of love for something deeper. How is this going to change my life? John’s response makes clear that this turning point is the beginning of a real, new life.
“It’s only the fulfillment of your own being, without conditions, that fulfills your self and your life.”
  • The Most Important Turning Point of Your Life 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

The Most Important Turning Point of Your Life

Q: The question I have is about decision-making and problem-solving, and I want you to help me trust the fact that even decisions can be made and problems can be solved by resting in the little bit. My job is very intellectually demanding. Sometimes I wake up at 5 a.m. and I keep thinking about the problems I have to solve the day after…you know, just keep thinking, thinking. And I just want to trust that I can make decisions by just resting in the little bit. Is it true that there’s no thought required for decision-making?

John: No, and, at the same time, your being doesn’t belong to your problem-solving. It doesn’t belong to your job. Your being doesn’t belong to your self, while everything that is yours does belong to your being. Until that is fundamentally clear, you will try to use your being for your self.

Be in full response to your heart, to what you know in your heart, to the littlest bit of your own being, unconditionally. From within that, make your way in your life. Instead of using this to help your self, you will be using all of your self for this. That makes your self available for this. Your self opens.

Q: Last night I felt like every cell in my body was saying ‘yes’ to this. I felt a very new love for this, so just help me stay with that.

John: If this helps you to your being, come back. This won’t suit the plans in your life. It will change all of the plans in your life. That’s the beginning of everything that is yours belonging to your being. Respond to your being in a way that changes even the surface of your life. You can’t fit your being into your self. You can’t fit your being into your life; it’s too big.

When your self and your life belong to your being, your self opens, your life opens, your being comes in and it will have everything. It is the single greatest turning point in your life, the most important before and after in all of your life. Its turning needs to be unalloyed, unmixed, non-performing.

You won’t be doing it as a self for your self. Your response to what you know in your heart is for the sake of what you know in your heart; it isn’t for the benefit of anything else. That changes your orientation as awareness from being self-oriented to being truth-oriented. That is you becoming right-side up. That will turn your self inside out. When your self is turned inside out, everything that has been yours in your self is returned to your being. Nothing is kept for your self. Nothing is reserved and held back within your self. You’re in full response to what you know in your heart, enabling you to belong to your own being.

The plans that you have for your self and your life are too little for this. Spirituality isn’t going to work for you. It isn’t going to work in your life. It’s not usable. It isn’t accessible for your self. Its essence is what you are and it’s what you belong to. It is your return home to that that is your real beginning.

Whatever time it takes for you to completely come to that is your life gone by; your life spent on what your life doesn’t belong to. Your return to your own being won’t include any of your ideas. It does include all of your heart. From there, you’ll find out everything else that you need to know.

Q: Someone told me nothing is in my way, so are my plans in my way?

John: If your plans hold you, yes. When your response and your reach as awareness is to what you know, there isn’t anything in your way. When you use anything deeper than your self for your self, what you know the truth of will be in your way. You will then make up, adopt, what you wish to be true, with only little parts of that being true: a life within your self of illusion, using a little bit of the truth that you do know to hold together everything else that you wish to be true. It’s how you delude your self. Give what you need to be true and what you wish to be true thought, feeling and time and you are soon lost.

All you really have is what you know the truth of in your heart and your response to that. When you are in that, you love. When you’re not in that, you’ll be wanting and needing, living a life of performance for what you wish to be true, for what you need to be true; all of it an escape from you being what you know the truth of in your heart. It’s only the fulfillment of your own being, without conditions, that fulfills your self and your life.

Now that we’ve met, we’ll meet again.

Q: Liking is not enough and love is also an understatement. You require insanity for this!

John: You’re beginning to know and to see.

Q: Thank you.

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