John de Ruiter Podcast 409

John de Ruiter Podcast 409

COVID-19 Dilemmas and Decisions: Excerpts from New Year’s Eve 2021

When: December 31, 2020 @ 8:30pm
As part of a special New Year’s Eve live stream, John responds to questions uppermost in our minds as we navigate the challenges and decisions facing us in our COVID-changed world.
“The opportunity is there for everyone in this unusual COVID-changed world to adapt, but really to adapt from a greater depth within, or become stuck in a closed, frightened kind of thinking.”
  • COVID-19 Dilemmas and Decisions: Excerpts from New Year’s Eve 2021 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

COVID-19 Dilemmas and Decisions: Excerpts from New Year’s Eve 2021


Q1: I remembered Last year’s New Year’s Eve party, you stood a step up and you were kind of looking over everyone dancing, looking far away in the horizon ahead. It really seemed like you were looking far in the future. I just wonder if you saw something is going to happen differently this year.

John: I was looking at where it is all come from, what all has come about so far, and where it’s all going.

Q1: Did you have a sense that it’s going to be so unusual this year?

John: For sure. Not as in COVID unusual. COVID is just moderately unusual.

Q2: What’s the effect on the wider humanity from what’s happening? Is it really an opportunity or is it just more pressure?

John: The opportunity is there for everyone in this unusual COVID-changed world to adapt, but really to adapt from a greater depth within, or become stuck in a closed, frightened kind of thinking.

Q3: John, I was wondering if you have thoughts on how the world responded to COVID and how it might have responded to COVID?

John: Various mixes of adapting by way of opening, closing. It’s different for each. It definitely ushers the world into a different game, a different time.

Q3: Do you have a sense of whether the way we’ve gone about it would be the way to go? Or if there might have been another way?

John: Oh, then it would have definitely been different.

Q3: Different in what way?

John: Working with a situation like COVID in a way that is really in balance with everything, dealing with COVID in a way that isn’t polarized: different camps representing even extremely opposite perspectives, leaving everyone, or some and many having to sort through what is actually true in it all.What is the balanced perspective on COVID and where that’s going to take us?

Q3: I’m just wondering from a whole perspective, what of the whole of life moving, how it might handle this.

John: There wouldn’t be any fear and there wouldn’t be any kind of over-protectiveness. The thinking that would come out of that, of course, would be very different.

Q4: This is an issue that’s coming all of our way and it’s about how to make a decision about this upcoming, heralded, wonderful vaccination that started already, and I have a brother and a sister that are doctors and they just love it. They went first in line and did their first shot. And then I did some scientific research and it’s a completely new technology that tested extremely short, and that’s about all I know! Then there’s, like you said, polarized information from both sides that if you read it, it sounds so convincing and everybody claims to have done all this scientific research and studies on it, but how would you, how will you come to a clean decision in this case?

John: All you can do is become informed. That’s problematic; it’s difficult to sift through all of the different venues of information, and at some point you’ll need to make a decision, and you may have to make a decision without necessarily being all that clear.

Q5: So what then forms the basis of a decision like that if you don’t have mental clarity?

John: Just what you honestly think given the information you have.

Q4: It could easily be that in three months they say “okay, people who aren’t vaccinated can’t fly” or can participate in certain things, and the pressure will increase and will increase, and do I just make a practical decision at some point: “I need to just bite the bullet and get vaccinated because I need to participate in certain events, or I need to be able to do certain things in my surface life”?

John: If that is what you deeply, quietly think.

Q5: In all of that sifting and sorting in our selves, using our minds and our intelligence and discerning when we get fearful, when our survival issues are up, I feel like there’s this balance point in my system where the information comes in and comes in, and then some kind of goodness clarity does come up as I don’t react. Is that what you mean for us to do?

John: Yes. As soon as you’re starting to register concern, and especially fear and anxiety, you won’t be able to think clearly. The energy is going to the wrong place.
Really, to think clearly there needs to be a measure of being free of your self, the kind of thinking that isn’t motivated by fear, anxiety, concern, dismay.

Q5: Is there a point where we just accept our limitations as they are and we just move with whatever we can move with, within the selves that we have?

John: Based on a deeper, quieter level of thought.

Q5: But it’s always that deeper movement first, and then that meets the surface and then there is the brain to use to figure it out.

John: Making very well thought-through, practical choices.

Q4: Does that ever stop your deeper movement choices?

John: No.

Q4: They just modify according to the surface conditions?

John: They don’t modify. That’s a completely different level of movement. It takes place at the same time.

Q4: Like you never stop moving and then your movement finds its way as it moves.

John: I may choose, on the surface, the easiest way, or perhaps even the most difficult way – not based on ease or difficulty but what I’m clear to do, just on the surface.

Q5: What does “well thought-through” mean to you?

John: That I use all of my resources, right through to the most practical level of thinking. That comes right down to “what is the smartest thing to do?”

Q6: I’m just wondering what your advice would be when it isn’t a question of what you might choose, but what may be done to you. So is there a point where you would say “no, absolutely, I refuse this because I’m not choosing it and I don’t understand the need …” whatever?

John: That’s entirely possible.

Q7: You were talking a little earlier about polarity. This year has just seemed like just an explosion of polarity: some people who feel very strongly one way about what’s happening and there are some people who feel very strongly and have a different perspective on what’s happening, and there’s quite a rift, in a way, and a friction. I just wondered if there’s anything that you could say about that?

John: It’s very difficult to take anything out there at face value.

Q7: It’s difficult to know anything of what you’re presented with from outside.

John: That’s right.

Q7: Wherever that information’s coming from.

John: Wherever there’s a bias there’s an inherent misinformation, and it may not be possible to even sift through it all. And at the end of the day you’ll have to make a choice, a very practical choice. That may come, and you don’t have all of the relevant information to be able to properly make that choice.

Q8: And do you see it as a chess game? So when one party moves, you move, or do you prepare, also?

John: Prepare for what? For that kind of choice?

Q8: Prepare for where it might go, so that you are not all of a sudden naked on the street?

John: Be involved in measures of risk management, so you’re assessing, you’re weighing possibilities with what level, what’s the level at risk with various possibilities? And then, depending on the level of risk involved and the possibility of that occurring, have something in place. You can have different directions involving practical choices, practical use. You can have various directions that you prepare for at the same time, so regardless of which one may occur, you have something in place.

Q5: There’s so many things one could prepare for, so there’s the inner place of movement and then there’s the outer risks that could happen, so can you keep talking about getting prepared!

John: Mentally, I move in a way that is flexible and extremely adaptable. So I’m not, then, loyal to any particular way of thinking, or any line of thought, or any kind of momentum, or any particular direction. Anything is possible, and I’ll flexibly think in all of that, which enables me to brainstorm properly and not be fixed to a certain line of choice and thinking.

Q7: It really speaks of absolute fearlessness: there’s nowhere that you fear to look, nothing that you fear to see, no possibility, no future that is fearful to you.

John: That’s true. And that’s in regard to absolutely any circumstance.

Q7: This is what we’re meant to come into; this is what you’re showing us and opening for us.

John: That level of freedom of thought that isn’t managed by what affects your sense of self, that isn’t managed by how you feel, how you used to think.


Q1: Hi John.

John: Hello.

Q1: So I wanted to ask you about conspiracies because after COVID happened, people that I thought I knew really well, started coming up with the most really far-out conspiracies, and I want to know if you could address that, and what that is?

John: That’s a, quite a packed label to even use the word “conspiracy.” As soon as you call something a conspiracy theory, you have that particular subject, that corner of the subject, in a box. So even what is labelled out there as being in the box of a conspiracy theory, in whatever it is that you hear, it’s of real value to hear the headlines, regardless of what they say, and to just be notified that that’s what’s out there and it’s a possibility, whether it’s slim or great, and you may not be able to assess what that level of possibility is. So as soon as you have a bias in a particular direction, you can’t think clearly anymore.

Q2: Regarding the times, I would hear about getting vaccines, and if that was clear and honest I’m so in, if that was honest. But then, I keep seeing and hearing this in my mind, it’s like “mark of the beast, mark of the beast, mark of the beast.” It’s like written, and it’s coming in, and I’m really honestly open to whatever is true, but what I’m wondering, I just wanted to ask if there’s any Biblical or …

John: If you don’t really know, you cannot conclude. Don’t have any interesting leanings. It will remove you from any measure of clear thinking.

Q2: You were speaking about the vaccine as something to think clearly about and practically about, but something so tangible just arrive as a clear knowing to do or not do?

John: It is so easy to confuse clarity of thought and depth of feeling, for knowing. Don’t count on having knowings concerning such things as whether to vaccinate or not. Rely on a level of clear thinking that is free of your self. Deeper within than your sense of self, concerning these things, rely on your mind.

Q2: Are you saying it’s not possible to have a clear knowing for things like this?

John: No, not at all. Don’t count on that, and you don’t need that.

Q2: It feels like a clear knowing to me, so are you reading that as that’s not clear knowing in me?

John: Often what people refer to as a knowing concerning self matters and worldly matters are most easily not knowings. It’s a clarity of thought, experiencing clear thinking, which doesn’t mean that it really is clear thinking, and deep feeling. And if you have any need, within, of that being a knowing, then you’ll convince your self of that.

Q2: I actually really love that because it feels like I could just throw it all out and I know the truth sticks, and then also that I can just look at it in that way, clearly and practically. But if there is a knowing there, it will be there.

John: Don’t count on having it and don’t need it. Because of “that’s there”, you’ll easily fool your self.

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