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John de Ruiter Podcast 590

John de Ruiter Podcast 590

Can I Return to My Awakening Experience?

When: June 10, 2012 @ 12:00pm
Where: ,
One profound experience of a different level of consciousness had a profound impact on this person. How did it happen and can it be experienced again?
“Whatever it is that you’re coming from, within, is what you will see, within and without.”
  • Can I Return to My Awakening Experience? 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Can I Return to My Awakening Experience?

John: What can I do for you?

Q: My partner and I have a question. Some months ago each of us independently experienced a state of awareness and we want to know how we can relive this experience.

John: What was your experience?

Q: It was evening. I looked up into the sky and suddenly I entered into a different consciousness level. There was no past, no future, just the moment. It seemed as though a curtain or veil had been pushed aside and I could see clearly and feel clearly. All the objects around me…the trees, the plants, the clouds in the sky …seemed to be filled with a sense of energy. And this feeling lasted several minutes but made a great impact upon me.

John: You were a lucky man. You shifted, as awareness, into what you really are, within, that is deeper than what your self is, consequently changing your perception and your experience of reality. You knew the truth of what you were seeing. You knew the truth of what you were in, and that such a glimpse means more to you in your core than anything outside of that.

For you to be in the same again, you need to relate only to what you are knowing in what you were experiencing. A change of relating…a fundamental change of relating, within…is a fundamental shift of orientation. You came into an orientation that had nothing to do with your self, an orientation that had everything to do with your innermost, enabling you to relate to the innermost of everything outside of you.

Your needing to have that experience, your needing to be in that reality again, makes you not what that reality is. When you are deeply needing to be in what you are knowing the truth of, that puts you in the direction of it. It points you to the way. From there, you need to be what the way already is. You already know the essence of it. The essence of it is revealed to you within the experience you had. Like relating directly, as awareness, to the essence of it.

When you’re relating directly to it, you won’t be using anything that you have that is different from what you were experiencing. In relating directly to what you are knowing, that has you as awareness knowing again. Whatever you use to assist you in that has you being the assistance, instead of you being the essence of what you were knowing. If you use anything of your self, anything of your past in an effort to reach what you are knowing or to be what you are knowing, that has you being your self and your past.

Q: I believe I might be consciously trying to relive this experience again, but in so doing, denying myself of further experience of this type.

John: You were not using your self for you to be in what you were in. You can’t use your self to be in the same again. What was working in what you were in is that you knew the truth of what you were in. What you were in was knowing, knowing that didn’t come from your past. It didn’t come from your self. You were in what precedes your past and your self. What you were in is also ‘how’. The ‘what’ is the ‘how’. You knew the truth of ‘what’ you were in. Then you know ‘how’. The ‘how’ is the ‘what’. You know the configuration of it. You didn’t understand it and not understanding it didn’t diminish it. You knew the configuration of it. In knowing it, you’re able to be it.

A process didn’t put you into it and a process doesn’t put you back into it again. It works in the way that you really are, without any use of what your self is. It is you as awareness being purely unassisted, enabling you to know what you were knowing and to see what you were seeing. You related differently, and it worked. As awareness, relate precisely the same way. It works. It worked without you understanding it. It works again without you understanding it.

Q: I agree I don’t need to understand it. I just want to feel it. Realize it.

John: Understandably, because you know it’s everything. Your wanting to feel it is different from what you were in. When you were in it, you were not wanting to feel it. Your wanting to feel it is fine. It isn’t wrong. It is incorrect. You don’t need wanting to feel it for you to be that which feels it.

It is like a key to a lock. Having a key in hand doesn’t mean you have the right key. If it is the incorrect key, it doesn’t matter how you use the key, the lock won’t be persuaded. Sincerity in the use of an incorrect key doesn’t open the lock. You are able, as awareness, to be what you know you were. You were being the key. You don’t know the key in your self. As awareness, on its own, without the use of anything else, you knew…and you know…the key.

Q: Am I the key?

John: When you are denuded of everything that isn’t the key, what remains is you being the key. Not using anything at all that you know ‘isn’t’ leaves you being what ‘is’: what is a key. You were being it. The code to being what you were in is in you. Be only what that code is and you’re being it again. This isn’t possible for you in your self to return to or accomplish. This is only possible for you as awareness, without the use of anything else. What you were being was pure you. It was devoid of everything else of yours. You were you without you using or being what was yours. You were you instead of yours.

When you try to relate, you’re not relating. When you like relating, you’re relating. It is only simple. If you add any little bit to it, it’s not ‘only simple’. It was so simple that you were in it without your doing something. What made it so easy is that it was pure. You loved it because you knew it was pure. You were pure; that’s what did it.

Q: Yes, at that moment I had no thoughts of my own. It was like being a receptacle for this sense of being aware of the universe.

John: You were a receptacle of the pure because you were being pure. Whatever it is that you’re coming from within is what you will see, within and without. You knew it and you saw it in everything because you were coming from it.

You are able to be it even at someone else’s prompting. Someone can say to you ‘be it now’ and you’ll be it. That someone can then give you a prompt. With the creative use of circumstance, and within any circumstance that you’re prompted, you’ll be it again. You can be prompted to be it again and you can be prompted to stay in that. You can be prompted to come out of it and then be prompted to be it again.

It works because it is your first ability. You were that before you had anything else. Everything else that you came into had you understanding your further ability that doesn’t compare to your first ability. When you take to heart your further abilities, you become blinded to your first ability. That doesn’t make your first ability gone. It just means that what you’re holding of your further abilities, on its own, isn’t able to see it. Your further abilities cannot see your first ability. You know your first ability. Your being what that is, is you being your first ability.

The reality of this is that your first ability is perfectly easy or it’s impossible.
If you would be told and if you knew the truth of it, that in three seconds, if you’re not going to be what you knew you were, you’ll die, you would have no time for trying. You would easily just be it. It is so difficult for you to be again because you have time. You have enough time to think about it, to desire it, to yearn for it, to want to have it, to imagine it, to talk about it.

Q: What use is that to me…time for all these thoughts?

John: It puts you into time. All of that gives you time. When you have time, that grounds you in what you’re accustomed to. You’re accustomed to having time. Don’t use time. Having time isn’t going to help you.

Q: I think you’re right. This feeling, this realization, was without time. Time did not exist for me in this state. This ability of mine…the first ability doesn’t need time for its expression. It’s there at this very moment. I might be not aware of it in the same way that I was when this experience of mine happened, but I know it’s within me and it doesn’t need time to exist. It’s there.

John: What you were is also in your body, just as what you were you saw in everything. You knew what tree-ness, innermost tree-ness, is in every tree. You knew it in everything. While you’re wanting to have it again, it is already in your body. It’s a different level of your body than the level of your body that you relate to when you’re being your self.
As awareness, drop into the level of your body that is it, and you’re being it again. If you try, that’s a different level of your body. If you yearn, that again is a different level of your body. As soon as you are, as awareness, directly relating to the level of your body that it is, then you are.

When you are almost dead, you’ll know its ease again because you’ll know that you have no time. What you are when you are almost dead is how to live. What keeps you from it is that you value your options. What you first are, within, has no options.

Q: Does this mean that having no options we have to accept what is here now?

John: You cannot be persuaded, so when you have to accept what is here now, you have options. When you are purely liking that there are no options, then you’re coming from what you first are. It is in the actual relating. It’s the relating that is it.

You’ll be in it again when it is your only relating. Like that it is impossible for anything that is yours. When the liking is pure, the relating is pure and you’re in it.

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