Month: June


The questioner in this dialogue expresses concern regarding the world situation: poverty, war, disease and debt. He is asking: how can we help to heal this planet? John explains: first heal your self. First change your self by being in your heart and deeper, and then the world can be healed. The health of this planet needs to come from the innermost outwards.

When you awaken to what is deeper than your self, you find that your self isn’t at the centre of everything, it’s not the main focus. When you believe this awakening, you go through a profound shift, and your self begins to match your deeper levels. As you continue to awaken, your self turns into a deeper and a higher self. A beautiful and elaborate teaching about how to sustain your awakening, keep developing, and function in this world.

A question about the self, how to be free of it, free of being ‘selfish”. How to stay in the peace that isn’t of the self, and what is the distinction between the heart and the self.

How to truly nurture your child? What happens when your child is discovering their power and testing yours, causing reaction? In this conversation John gives direction and guidance on how to sustain direct connection with your child and give them ground, stability and clarity in what is deeper, enabling them to know about what they really are and find it in you.

From the integration of the self to warmth and clarity, this dialogue explores the principles of awareness and knowing central to John’s teaching.

The questioner experienced an awakening but finds it difficult to stay in it because of stress and pain. John explains that this is because she is relating to her awakening from her self instead of relating directly without “keeping an eye” on her self. John speaks of the stream of what we know; when we merge with what we know in our heart we are in the stream. Then, instead of emotion and experience moving, it’s our heart that is moving, which is deeply transformative to our self. The awakening is newly found and the stress in the self dissolves.

When you awaken to more than this mundane existence, how can you make that real in your life? How can you let it have more form in your life? How to get out of the matrix? The answer, John says, is in letting the roots of your awakening go to your being. Then, like a tree, you become planted in what you really are, planted in your source.

Both questioners in these dialogues are describing having powerful opening experiences after which they also experience pressure and difficulty. John explains that experiences are there to show us what we know.
– The importance of your experiences is what you know in them.
– When you have presence in unseen levels of you, you grow into the more of you.
– Pressure and difficulty are good, they that strengthen your root system.
– When you let your deeper levels come up your heart will come out and you will come in to life.
– New seeing: the beginning of a new perspective
– The opening of your thinking and your mind
– Thinking differently: a much higher level of thought

Imagine what it would be like to have the ability to directly communicate with your unborn child, being to being, where real parenting begins. Are you a parent, or planning to be? Share your thoughts with us on this latest video.
Download another Parenting talk free here until 26.07.2017
The questioner is pregnant and would like to really feel, open and soften to the being growing inside her. She feels cut off from feeling this as deeply as she actually can.
– This being communicates to you, bypassing your self. When you are about your self you will miss it. When you are quietly in your heart you will be moved and touched beyond your understanding.
– It’s a whole different level of communication.
– This is the most beautiful opportunity to listen to another being in a completely different way.
– Relating directly to your child, Being taught by your baby
– What you’ll come into as your baby is newly born is a paramount teaching.
– Get to know this other language: the only real language of parenting. You will make so many mistakes, but if you’re coming from within this language, all of your mistakes will be beautiful.
In all of your parenting, you don’t need to get everything right. You need to get into this language.

In this podcast the questioner speaks of his sense of readiness to connect more deeply and enter more of his being. John’s response takes us from a whisper of what’s deeper, beyond the perspective of our familiar selves, into unseen levels of love. After turning over control to our being, letting “incomprehensible being overtake your mind”, we come back to our everyday selves with a renewed awareness of the eternal nature of real connection.

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