Month: July

JdR Audio 279

“The way that your sexuality becomes one with your being, the purity and the nurture of that movement, enables you to receive an injury and to deal with that injury in a multi leveled way.”

Q: John, some people seem to be affected less by horrific situations or physical trauma than others. Why is that? They write a book about their experience, for example, and it seems they are already completely over it. For me, it seems that much…
Q: John, what is the best way to stay open to you? It feels like I am always blocking off our connection and then opening it again. John: That is your relationship with what you know. Q: Okay, so you would say you are…
Q: When I see couples here, and what they can dive into together, it seems that there really is so much more possibility in being a couple than in being single. John: Yes, but that possibility works equally for a negative or for a…
Q: Last week you spoke about purity and it struck me because I don’t feel very pure and I remember the saying in the Catholic church about being pure in thought, word, and deed, and when I look at myself and the places I’ve been…

JdR Audio 246

When awareness is relaxed in what it knows, it is fulfilling the principle of oneness. The principle of oneness fulfilled is the most basic code of awareness. It is key to the truth of awareness.


JdR Audio 244

When you rest as awareness it would purely make no difference what self you have or whether your form is that of a man or a woman. You would be free of all that is yours, enabling what you really are to have it all.

Grandfather and grandson speak with John of their realizations and difficulties and the conversation reveals how they can live now for what they will know at the end of their lives.

Q: I’m having a really hard time here. I’m having so many ups and downs and there is a war between the mind and the knowing. John: The battle of the ages. Q: One day I’m so clearly in the knowing and the next…

JdR Audio 200

“Your unseen beauty comes into your self through its own learning. As you learn in your self to be just like the rest of you, your self looks like you do; it moves like you really do. Beauty is the becoming of your self like all of you.”


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