Month: July





JdR Audio 392

“All that remains is direct response to your core, to its resonance, in a world that can’t see that and offers you everything other than that.”

Q: I need help opening my heart. (Crying) I haven’t been able to. John: Then wherever you go, give it. Giving your heart puts you in your heart. If you seem to not know how to open your heart, give your heart. As soon…


• The purpose of being in a body
• Becoming a pure being, living the real in everyday life
• You as awareness: like a newborn baby


• A core okayness with what is outside your control
• As a being, you are not vulnerable to anything
• Your being is safe, and you are safe in your being

From seed to fruit, by way of uncompromising willingness and devotion, John describes the journey of transformation travelled as we’re given again and again to growing the tree of love, within.

The woman in this dialogue describes being stuck in the pain and sadness she feels after the loss of her relationship. John shows her the true source of her sadness doesn’t lie in her circumstance but rather in the power she has given to false beliefs.

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