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Month: January



JdR Audio 297

“I’m engaging you, and in that I include your being and your deeper bodies. I’m inviting you, way within the deep, to engage. Use the powers that I’m using to move you; use them in me and use them to me.”

In this video clip from the Tiruvannamalai live meetings and live streams with John de Ruiter, the questioner asks about Sri Ramana Maharshi’s process of self inquiry, asking ‘Who am I?’ and the connection to John’s teaching. John explains that asking ‘Who am I?’ can only take you to the awareness of the ‘I’ and that the real question should be ‘What am I?’ which can only be known, without thought or feeling, in direct realization.

“You can’t go purely high if you don’t first go purely deep.” A powerful conversation about how to move through the growing pains of moving deeper within.

All you ever need to know about the opportunity of this life for our evolution as awareness, and the effects we’ll see later of squandering it.

“Your self has no part in this.” There is a way to move with your being, and John explains the delicacies of communication and complete surrender that make it possible.

This conversation is an invitation to realization and love. John shares why physical disability need not impede the richness of inner wellbeing that comes from being completely in your heart.

A profound conversation touching on the topics of parenthood, relationship and miscarriage that makes clear where our only real comfort comes from.

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