Month: December

“Step right into the resonance of something that you know …” Here, three conversations at an informal lunch meeting with John reveal the common theme of how form is given to our future self.

Q: A few days ago, I became aware how much energy, how much awareness is going towards sexuality. It touched me deep to see that. Here I come on this border of pulling and wanting. Sometimes I can see very clear, but I also…
Q: I wanted to talk to you about darkness. I’m curious if darkness is included in all of this or if it just lives in the self. We talk about ancient and it feels like darkness is also ancient. Is it something that needs…

This person is standing on the edge of a completely different sexuality, a sexuality belonging to her being that has the potential to be released into everything.

Q: It’s not easy for me to be here, even though I have a deeper knowing to be here. I see the amazing effect that it has on my connection with my wife. I see what you do, direct and indirect, and still for…

JdR Audio 258

“While you are in response, you are drawn deeper and deeper, within less and less, until you are oneness unadorned.”

JdR Audio 257

“What moves you, you move. That brings your sexuality into your being, through your heart, and that movement brings your being, through your heart, into your self.”



Q: How fundamental is this teaching? I often wonder how advanced or how simple this is. Is there a time when we won’t be bothered with this and it will all be behind us or something like that? John: There will always be more…
Q: John, I saw, maybe in a rather primitive way, that each level has a path that wants to move out. There are two parts: the part that is resting in the black, and the part that wants to move out. It felt to…
Q: I experience that there can be no trust in the self at all, no matter what the experience. I’d say, give me a challenge, give me a battle, give me some pain, and it’s okay, but give me my own way and I…

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