Location: India

Q: I’ve recently experienced a restedness within and I know there’s new life there. I feel I’m stepping into something of the weakness you speak of. Would you speak more about weakness and real power? John: From within the conditioning in our selves, we…

A mother feels entangled in the difficulties of her handicapped child’s condition and asks how she can be of real help. John shows how they can meet and enjoy each other without the condition getting in the way, which will also help the condition.

What is time in the context of eternity? What is destiny and can it be changed? In this dialogue, John explains that there are levels to both time and destiny, and that there is really only one way to comprehend their meaning.

Q: I am ready for the ultimate truth. John: What makes you ready is you being gentled and quieted in your heart, unconditionally, in every relationship you have with everything, everyone, and your self – all of that at any personal expense. It readies…

This discussion goes ‘way out there’! It touches into the emergence of a greater reality, our inner blueprint, and what happens as we resonate and respond to this deep movement of oneness entering reality.

Q: I have been deeply trapped in a vicious circle my whole life. For thirty-five years I was addicted to heroin and cocaine. Although the drugs have stopped, the addiction has continued. It was covering up a deep grief and sadness coming from my…

“What is love?” is the question, and John’s response takes us first to the answer, and then into the many levels of love to be lived here in this life, and what remains after death.

So many teachings, so many opportunities for confusion: how to know what to follow? In the end, it’s only you, listening to your inner tuning fork that can direct you to what is worth believing.

It comes so strongly and we feel fully taken… But what’s the real purpose and meaning of a powerful experience of immense love? In this dialogue, John describes what the experience points to — the opening of the door to your being.

Q: In recent weeks I’ve felt very strong survival issues and my survival seems more important than anything else. I feel a very deep, primal fear. John: Have no issue with it. It’s clear: you are not going to survive. You’re going to die,…

What is the energy of the feminine? Listening and being available, open and soft in the midst of strong and uncomfortable feelings. It’s what you love, it’s what you really are.

While the common wisdom of today suggests that self-empowerment is the key to success and happiness, John explains why this unintegrated form of awareness is not at all up to the task we’ve given it. And in fact, is the very reason many of us feel anxious, uncertain, and filled with a sense of lack.

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