Location: India

JdR Audio 355

“The physicality of your body, through your deeper bodies coming into it, extends outside of your body. In that way our bond comes into touch, not limited to the physical body space. You come into different laws of space, different laws of connectivity.”

Q: I would like to speak to you about my parents. When I was sixteen my father died, and for the last two years of his life I’d had no contact with him. My parents got divorced when I was fourteen and, because my…

What is enlightenment? Is it the highest spiritual attainment as many perceive it to be? In this dialogue, John explains that it is not enlightenment, but purity of heart that is what we are in a body for: awareness and knowing being one.

“I’m haunted by my abusive past. How can I let it go?” John shows us how our beliefs are embodied in our nervous system, creating experience we make our reality. He shows how real healing doesn’t come from understanding but from something much simpler: unconditional openness and softness of heart.

A deeper awakening is bringing a whole new perspective, a new intimacy with form and the beginning of what John describes as real humanness. He explains how this deeper connectivity brings about a shift in human sexuality and the consciousness of the planet.

“What is love?” is the question, and John’s response takes us first to the answer, and then into the many levels of love to be lived here in this life, and what remains after death. He then describes the purpose of integration and what is deeper, even, than being: what we are as meaning, aware … and moving.

This interviewer wants to get at how John’s teachings can open the territory many of us share – the world of relationship and sexuality. What gives relationship a true foundation? How can sexuality go deeper than want and need? You speak of connectivity and dearness, John, but how can we relate to that when we don’t like each other? These questions and more are worked out in this dialogue.

The Questioner feels guilty and trapped in her inability to deal with the pain of others. She knows that separating from them or confronting them doesn’t help. John shows her how a simple return to openness and softness of heart allows the cycle of their pain and hers to end… in her.

Most of us experience emotional turmoil, destructive behaviour and mental difficulty in our lives from time to time. What is the cause of these states? How can we find equanimity of being in the midst of any situation? You, being the simplicity of this, is you directly resting into the beloved within.

When we work hard on our projects and goals, it can be difficult not to be dependent on the outcome. Striving for success or fear of failure… how to overcome this source of stress? In this talk, John offers keys to connecting our outer life on the surface, with deep inner beingness.

The soul is something frequently referred to – in many contexts. But is the soul really known to us? Is enlightenment the key to finding your soul? In this video, John explains that awakening and even attaining enlightenment doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re free of your egocentric existence.

Deeply loving someone and being in love… you start a relationship and then you wonder why, after familiarity has set in, the in-loveness is gone and there’s difficulty and pain. If you start from wanting and needing a relationship, you’re already relating in a way that isn’t like your being. So how to have a meaningful, pain-free relationship? Listen to this talk to find out!

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