Location: Germany

In this conversation is everything you need to know about what direct response is, and why it’s the only way into your awakening – even if it’s only 1% of you.

Q: I have a question about sexuality. My question is how, as a parent, to guide an adolescent in a correct way, in a good way, into their sexual power? John: Sexuality is for communion, but it’s typicallly related to as an appetite. Its introduction…

Mother/daughter difficulties are the subject of this conversation. Do they need each other? What really matters?

Q: I had a dream I want to share. There were two men that wanted to kill me and I did everything I could to hide, to escape. I stole a car and left them behind. Finally I found the place very remote and…

John describes how to move through a closed loop of conditioning. In this conversation the topic is anger, and then feeling upset about it.

When two worlds collide, to which one will you now belong? In this conversation we get to see how our matter changes to match what we choose.


JdR Audio 263

“It doesn’t matter how powerfully sexuality, one with your being, moves; it’s all profound goodness. What you know in it, of its depth and its quality, is what you’re saying yes to.”



JdR Audio 262

“When you are relaxed and you hear what you know is the truth, regardless of your experience, you love. You love the truth. You love hearing, knowing, responding to the truth, because all of that is really you.”


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