Location: Edmonton

JdR Audio 326

All that you are in your self is openness and softness. All that you are is beingness. All that you are is a being. It’s that or your return to your self-importance, and right there you’re also back on your leash.

In this Q&A dialogue John speaks about discovering your real power, and being free of “”the perpetrator”” and “”the victim””.
This video touches on several topics including:
• The false relationship to power
• The illusory life of victim or perpetrator.
• Not using power over anyone, not relating to being overpowered by anyone.
• Discovering your real power, deeper within.
• Your only real reason for being in a body.
• The real opportunity of this life: being what you really are at any cost. That makes you oneness before you die.
• No amount of awakening gives you the slightest advantage and no kind of past or DNA inheritance gives you the slightest disadvantage.



In this Q&A dialogue after watching the movie “The Tiger: An Old Hunter’s Tale” the questioner asks about how to let go of the false story you’ve let define you and truly live life to the fullest.



In this video about the meaning of life, John talks about facing who you really are at the threshold of death. You being what you really are – your destiny is one with everything after this life.
The latest video from our Meaning of Life Series https://goo.gl/l739Rf, John speaks on topics relating to the purpose of our lives and our real destiny, including:
• What is deeper than human. What we are isn’t first human.
• Turning into what you see in the depth of a newborn.
• Nothing opens humanness like being what precedes it.
• Facing what you really are before you physically die.
• Everything that the thread of the weakest weakness holds together in your self and your life stays after you die.
• Most would rather die than be wrong, would rather die than meet the end of personal and held together meaning. Not many die being meaning.
• Dependency on your human body experience of love. A love that goes beyond the physical.
• The thread which precedes what’s human is unbreakable.
• You being what you really are – your destiny is one with everything after this life.
• Anything that we are being and doing that isn’t quietly seated in humanness is an illusion… it isn’t human… it’s inhumane. If all of this isn’t perfectly clear, it will be for sure after you die.

Q: Are love and that first power to be what we are the same thing? I sense the same span in love and that power from before birth and after death. John: What we really are is love, but it isn’t human love. Our experience of…

John answers questions about how to be within “The Matrix” at work, and in your life. John says being in the matrix is wonderful. The surface isn’t something to get away from, it’s real – when you are being real in it. “Love thrives in any environment.”

In this video, the questioner reveals some of his seeing, and asks questions pertaining to that seeing. Enjoy this sweet interaction between John, and a long time attendee.

A dance with John at a New Year’s Eve party opened a portal into another level for this person, and what followed was an extraordinary conversation about soul groupings.

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