Real Power: Givenness To Love In The Midst Of Polarity

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When: January 28, 2019
Morning Meeting

Q: I’ve recently experienced a restedness within and I know there’s new life there. I feel I’m stepping into something of the weakness you speak of. Would you speak more about weakness and real power?

John: From within the conditioning in our selves, we relate to power as what gives us advantage: an advantage over vulnerability, an advantage over weakness, an advantage in being taken advantage of, an advantage in unfairness, having an advantage in being liked, being loved, being cared for. It’s all an abuse of power: the use of power that doesn’t come from within nurture, the use of power that has its relationship to lack, the use of power that perceivably gives remedy to lack. It’s all the illusory power of separation. 

Real power is the capacity deep within, fundamentally as awareness, from within our forms, to empower what is just a little bit deeper than what affects our selves. It's the giving of our power from within our selves to the heart, while our selves are affected by others and by circumstances. 

Real power is the power of givenness.

Real power nurtures present subtle connectivity.

Real power is what enables the subtle movement of humanness in the midst of difficulty and pressure.

Real power is the quiet givenness that enables love to be freed from within in the midst of polarized circumstances, in the midst of polarized experience in our selves: love being freed into a polarized nervous system. 

Real power is awareness relaxed in forms of difficulty.


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