Year: 2022

An unfamiliar depth of love has opened in this person. It feels scary and likely to change her life. What’s happening and where will it take her?

JdR Audio 392

“All that remains is direct response to your core, to its resonance, in a world that can’t see that and offers you everything other than that.”

Though he can’t understand what he is experiencing, the young man in this dialogue has the sense that he is onto something deeper within. We learn how it’s sincerity that opens the beyond, within, and that no understanding is needed.

JdR Audio 391

“Intimacy registering the touch of intimacy. It cannot have anything to do with your self and it needs to move freely anywhere in your self, not on the terms of your self.”

JdR Audio 390

“Let everything point you deeper and in you go. Don’t stop to think about anything that affects your self.”

Q: I’ve been engaged in the business world and always felt called upon to use my intellect and leave my truth behind. I concluded I’m not cut out for the corporate world but have just been contracted to lead a similar organization. I have…

JdR Audio 388

“It isn’t how much you know but how much you are in what you do know, even if that knowledge comes down to parts per million.”

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