Year: 2021

Q: I have a question about vulnerability and the fear of being hurt. I want to surrender completely to vulnerability, but every time I try there come some images and feelings that are not from this life. They are really old – very strong…

• A core okayness with what is outside your control
• As a being, you are not vulnerable to anything
• Your being is safe, and you are safe in your being

• The purpose of the universe
• Intimate connectivity of meaning and essence
• When you are in your heart, you cannot help but give
• Real relationship: a partnership in givenness

* Note: this video is slightly out of sync with the audio.
Two participants speak with John for the first time, each wanting his help to move deeper, within. How can we flow in the world as what we really are without creating more self, or becoming caught in the mind? There is only one way, an absolute, universal truth, and it is natural to you.

• An unknown love moving and awakening you
• Taken by your deeper heart
• Cancer can cure you of your self

Does the inner work of a spiritual path help us to go home, within? What is the role of the mind in awakening and how can we return to our natural authenticity? In these two dialogues, in words and in silent connection, John explains how to live as awareness relaxed, in the heart, without need of healing or spiritual work. He describes the potential of consciousness, the meaning of being in a body, and the way to live and meet as what we really are.

Are there parallel worlds, and how can we be taken into them? Deeper than the being are levels of pre-existence to be subsumed by, speeding up the soul’s evolution and freeing the controlling mind to be like the breath of love.

Q: I have a question about arrangements between souls. If you plan to meet someone in this life, is it possible to miss that? John: If it’s true, if it is of a truth and you’re in your heart, no. But don’t believe anything…

JdR Audio 384

“Be taken by the unknown as soon as it’s touched in you … being the quietude that is honest to the core. That quietude is free of your life. What that quietude awakens of knowledge gets to have all of you and all that’s yours.”

How to bring the flow of inner awakening into everyday life? John explains how to live as a flow of being, free of the “fortress of illusion” created by subconscious beliefs and self-interest. Returning to what you really are, you are free to flow in any circumstance. This flow of you is love.

“What am I looking for?” This questioner has been enjoying some rest from his search for liberation, but feels a familiar dissatisfaction beginning again. John’s answer reveals how the search can end once and for all.

After several years of responding to deep inner change, letting go of most of her life as she’d known it, including her drive to achieve, this young woman is wondering whether it’s time to re-engage in her worldly life – and what her purpose really is. (Note: There is slight sound interference throughout this recording).

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