Year: 2015

Q: I’ve only seen you once, on video, and I’m really glad to meet you today. My question is about how to be in the ending of a relationship. My partner has decided it’s not right for him to be with me and I’m…

JdR Audio 289

“From within all of your levels, through all of your energy centers, consume what you know I am, assimilating me into you. In the same way that your body consumes food, drink, and air to live, you consume me for your being to live out here, for you to turn into what you were born for.”

JdR Audio 288

“Open to knowing beyond limitation. Open to a level of you that’s beyond what you’ve awakened to. As soon as you open, you know.”

JdR Audio 287

“Separation cannot exist on its own. When nothing remains to support it, when it receives no power, separation returns to its own source.”

JdR Audio 286

“A polarized self in a polarized world is a gift to oneness, for oneness to be and move in. Its movement is the movement of your being; its movement is love; and its movement, though you cannot yet see it, is the development of your soul.”

JdR Audio 285

“Agreement with knowing is honesty. Agreement with knowing is your healing. The presence of that healing is love.”

JdR Audio 284

“Reality is changing. Your unconditional response to your awakening brings you right into that change. It isn’t just the change of your self and your life; it carries you right into the change of reality. You become a manifestation of reality shifting and changing.”

JdR Audio 283

“When you really see and know someone, and that knowing matters more than what you think and feel, then what you are towards the other is love. It’s what enables us to meet as beings.”

JdR Audio 282

“Your accustomed self is a student of this world, fashioned by it and made for it. As you come into the deeper levels of your being, you cannot keep what this world and its student mean to you.”

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