Year: 2014

This person is standing on the edge of a completely different sexuality, a sexuality belonging to her being that has the potential to be released into everything.

Q: It’s not easy for me to be here, even though I have a deeper knowing to be here. I see the amazing effect that it has on my connection with my wife. I see what you do, direct and indirect, and still for…

There isn’t a process to being with what you love. It doesn’t require effort. You will naturally be with what you value more. Honesty puts awareness into what it deeply knows it values the most.” To define “what you know the truth of,” John explains how truth is as natural and immediate as the connection between two in love.

Q: As I study counselling and read various theories on child development, I almost see that nature hardwires the bodymind for survival and it seems that what we really are is so opposite, that from the very beginning, nature is encouraging us to distort, and…

JdR Audio 258

“While you are in response, you are drawn deeper and deeper, within less and less, until you are oneness unadorned.”

JdR Audio 257

“What moves you, you move. That brings your sexuality into your being, through your heart, and that movement brings your being, through your heart, into your self.”

Q: My question is about having children. I feel when I look around the world that the real conflicts come from relationships that have children, and dealing with the difficulties that come with them. John: There isn’t actually any conflict in that. Q: If you…
Q: I work in organic agriculture. I’m surrounded by people who are afraid of technology, and what things are doing to nature. It can be difficult to stay in that field because I don’t buy all that fear-mongering, but at the same time there…

“You weren’t born to do whatever you like.” A conversation that goes into the detail of really growing up, and the power of our “yes” to what we know.

Q: At a recent informal gathering someone was talking to you about the classical enlightenment path in relation to what we’re doing here. The instructions that you give are so different to Advaita, for example, where it’s like negating everything that happens in the…

John describes the importance of relating to the edge of knowing, and how it’s being at this edge that puts you into what you really are.

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