Year: 2012

JdR Audio 152

“There isn’t anything that is tied in your self and in your life that will not be untied as the purpose of being moves, reweaving what form is, making your form – all of them – suitable to the purpose of being and no longer suitable at all to the purpose of your self relating to your own conditioning.”

Q1: I feel, especially in the summer seminar, like I’m understanding more. I’m aware more, whereas before in the meetings I felt I was going somewhere and I didn’t know where. I can’t say I have a crystallized picture but I’m aware of us…

What is the core of your philosophy and what is the value of being in your presence? John responds to questions in this interview with Holger Peterson from Spirit TV.

JdR Audio 149

“If your innermost sexuality with all of its consequent levels and regions do not belong to what knowing is, then you are, as awareness, in real ways, forbidden to enter meaning.”

JdR Audio 148

“Knowing, manifest in your body, outlines capacity and ability, revealing to you your multi-leveled, multi-faceted function as reality, and your part in that, in the function of all of our greater body.”

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