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Year: 2012

Q: We’re having a baby. I really feel the baby is going to be our greatest teacher. John: Having a baby will strengthen whatever orientation you presently have. Q: Will it? It won’t be the opposite? John: If you are giving heed to the specialness of what’s there,…
Q: Hi, John. This is the first time I’ve met you. I had a very short relationship about one and a half years ago and it’s still very painful. I can’t understand why I can’t let it go. How can I feel that love,…
Q: I see that I often take responsibility for things which are not my responsibility. Can you help me figure out what real responsibility is in daily life? John: Having real responsibility in your life opens when all of your responsibility belongs to the…
Q: For some time I’ve been feeling that my purpose on earth is to help people heal, not as much physically as spiritually. What inside of me needs to open or develop to be able to do so? John: You’re wanting to help people…

This questioner feels frustrated in her wish to be of help to the world, to address the environmental problems and human suffering. John explains to her that frustration only makes matters worse – that the planet will thrive when we live and relate to it instead from our innermost being.

Becoming a parent is a joyous experience, but for many it can be quite overwhelming. Anxiety can quickly replace joy as we struggle with our own uncertainty and reactivity. How do we set boundaries and say ‘no’ in ways that don’t trigger a power struggle with our child? In this talk, John gives practical advice about how to give your child what your child really needs by coming from quiet clarity and warmth – the ‘juiciest’ kind of parenting.

How can we find joy in life? Isn’t that what life is all about? In this dialogue, John explains that when you believe the noise in your self, you’re fundamentally unhappy because you’re not being what you really are. Joy is actually the beingness of the real you, and the manifestation of that is as simple as falling asleep.

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