Topic: Parenting

Q: You’ve spoken about understanding the world and how it works, and then both moving and seeing beyond it. This world is hardly understandable for me, so can you guide me a little in how to be with my child as he starts to…


Q1: I work as a speech therapist with children. When I hear you speak, it reminds me of the importance in psychological theory for children to grow up with soft hearts, good relationships and protection in order to develop their potential. Can you say…
Q: When it comes to educating my child, I feel that I’m not being heard unless I raise my voice. John: If you need to raise your voice to be heard, that tells you that when you speak she doesn’t believe you. Q: She…

“How can I find me, again?” In the midst of the challenges of being a new mother, the young woman in this dialogue feels that she’s lost touch with the depth she once knew. John shares what matters, and gives her a very practical tip.

Q: We’re having a baby. I really feel the baby is going to be our greatest teacher. John: Having a baby will strengthen whatever orientation you presently have. Q: Will it? It won’t be the opposite? John: If you are giving heed to the specialness of what’s there,…
Q: I have a question about raising children and enjoying them in the way you’ve been describing. I have two daughters. John: How old are they? Q: Five and nine. I enjoyed the first child from the beginning, and it has been easy. The second is…

With her husband in a coma, the woman in this dialogue shares the extreme difficulty she faces in parenting her children in the midst of this crisis. John shows her how goodness can thrive in hardship and how this deeper perspective can be a nurturing ‘love school’ for all of them.

Q: I think my young son is testing boundaries, and he sometimes quite intentionally does things we’ve asked him not to do. He seems to want our reaction or response. John: He wants to play with power, so you need to play back to him…
Q: I want to know how best to support my son in what he’s going through both physically and emotionally while I’m so far away. We’ve had some lovely conversations on the phone, but afterwards I felt he was missing me and it was…


Q: I’m trying to get pregnant and for a few years I’ve been having fertility treatments. It’s not happening, and I wonder how to deal with that. It feels like it’s taken everything from me. John: It’s taken everything from you because you’re making…

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