Topic: Pain & Suffering


John talks about how to relate to trauma during a crisis. He speaks to the repetitive nature of trauma as it re-occurs like in the movie “Groundhog Day”, and how we can open and love within that trauma, or get lost in “The Matrix”.

John explains that as soon as you are really listening within, you lose sight of your pain and suffering and magicalness begins to see. Awareness is freed to be the unseen levels of reality, moving and expressing; your return to innocence.


Strong headaches seem to get in the way of the openness this person longs for. A sweet conversation that shows the way to oneness when in trouble of any kind.

Using the analogy of walking on a sidewalk that’s 100′ high, John illustrates how difficulty can be an invitation to finding deeper resources and having mastery over your self.

In this dialogue a questioner asks John about how to heal depression. Recorded at ABC Carpet & Home in New York.

Q: I wanted to talk to you about trauma. John: Trauma or drama? Drama creates trauma. Trauma is the damages of drama. Q: I see myself playing with it, and it starts because of feeling that I can’t feel this feeling. I resist feelings…

John de-mystifies the dark, dead experience of depression and how to be free of it.

Q: I have some pain in my throat, chest and stomach very much of the time. I have been examined medically and nothing was found but I still experience it. Can you say anything about this? John: If it’s not medical, then it’s your…



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