Topic: Introductory

How could our relationship to food possibly reveal how we relate to people? This man has lived alone for many years and wants to know how to truly merge with another. Through the analogy of eating, John explains.


Though the man in this dialogue has awakened to deeper levels of reality, he wonders how he can give form to what’s immaterial. John describes how this deeper reality is made physical, awakening the brain and body to a multi-dimensional communion.

How do you feed a hungry heart? A disturbing sense of not knowing how to give her heart what it needs brings a surprising answer from John, opening the realness and beauty of her deeper and higher self.

Experiencing intimacy in nature comes easily for the man in this dialogue, but not so in being with people, to say nothing of sexual intimacy. John describes the value of remaining in the intimate space that opens for him in nature, despite the sense of vulnerability he may experience in himself.

What does it take to return to the genuineness of a child after years of covering it up? John describes the fundamental shift that, sustained, returns us to the sunshine at our core.



In life, we really have only this moment to be what we came here to be. Life will bring both great and small events from which we can learn, creating opportunities to realize and match our highest calling.



Why can’t I enter life more fully?’ The sense of isolation that comes from feeling like an observer in his life brings this man to ask for John’s guidance in letting go of whatever is holding him back.

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