Topic: Consciousness & Awareness

JdR Audio 404

If you take your self, your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your will at face value, then it’s your self that will determine you. Your self will form you. You will turn into your self and you’ll lose being you.


In this conversation, we’re taken into the magical realm of our being. It’s a very different world than the one we’re used to, and we return with a realization that can change our life.

An extraordinary teaching on the value of listening, and how it connects us to stillness, truth, love and even eternal life.



The way that a tree moves through autumn and winter to flourish once more in springtime provides the key to how we can move consciously into the source of real and lasting happiness, within.


“What’s the best way to stay grounded?” John’s answer to this common question is most uncommon, revealing how to come into the profound relaxation of home, within.




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