Topic: Consciousness & Awareness

Q: John, are we all one? John: Yes. But that’s very different from all of us really being there. On a deeper level within, yes, we are all one but if we live being separate from what our being is, we will all be…

The terms of this man’s new relationship feel frustrating and unacceptable to him. Why is it so painful and what can he do? There’s only one way, and John explains.

The feeling of spiritual fulfillment easily flows into a wish to teach or share with others, but what makes a person ready to take such a step?

Q: I feel so coarse in my self. It barely reflects anything of what’s in my heart and it’s like trying to drive with the emergency brakes on. John: The essence of containment is that you have need of nothing. That frees you to…
Q:  Hello John. I listened to one of your CDs in which you said “relate to you after you have died” and it was a big pointer for me. Can we do it now? John: Relate to what you are after you’ve died, while…

Is there a way to enter completely the stillness and beauty known in the deeper levels of the body? John describes what’s required, and how living from this level may manifest in person, in life.

Q: I’d love to hear you speak about learning. John: Real learning takes place in your self. It comes about when you in your self are informed by what you really are. The learning in your self takes place when something of your self…

There’s a magical moment right at the tipping point to sleep, where we are being what we really are. John describes how this unpolarized state is the key to the integration of our conscious and subconscious self.

Q: A long time ago when we spoke about my mind and thoughts, you invited me to be like a flower with my mind. I still feel that what I am and my mind are not coordinated. John: You are the flower. Let the…


In a meeting in St James’ Church, in the heart of Piccadilly, London, John responds to questions about what we really are and how to live for that in this world. In this conversation, he’s asked how to resolve the conflict between the higher self and the ego.

This conversation highlights the difference between awakening and full embodiment: the first is easily come by, but the second is rare and requires an unusual depth of character.

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